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Title Sam Hospital-Embassy of the Bolivia, Designatory Hospital Agreement
Writer Int'l Healthcare Dep
Date 2015-12-01 [13:36] count : 17072

Sam Hospital-Embassy of the Bolivia, Designatory Hospital Agreement

샘병원-주한 볼리비아 대사관, 지정병원 협약 체결
Sam Hospital signs designatory hospital agreement with Bolivian Ambassador.

The signing ceremony was attended by key executives, such as Sam Hospital director, Yeonghui Hwang; medical director, Sangeun Park; the Bolivian ambassador, Gadalupe Palomeque de Taboada; and others.

Through this signing ceremony, Sam Hospital has become the designated hospital to provide a medical service for immigrants leaving for Bolivia, international students, and long-term travelers, and is now in charge of providing treatment for international students, travelers, and business people present in Korea.

Bolivian ambassador, Mr. Gadalupe Palomeque de Taboada, said, "I was deeply impressed by the quality of service being provided at Sam Hospital." He continued, "Through this signing ceremony, I hope that the relationship between our two countries can become all the more solidified."

Medical director of Sam Hospital, Sangeun Park, said, "I am very happy that our two nations have come together to promote the health of the people." He went on to say, "We will do everything we can to ensure the provision of the highest quality medical service for the Bolivian people in Korea, and for the Koreans living in Bolivia."

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